ICT use by Greek households and individuals – 2015
ELSTAT announced data on the use of information and communication technologies by households and their members, for the year 2015 and specifically on e-commerce and internet security. The data derive form the sample Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies by households and individuals, conducted for 2015.
The survey was conducted on a final sample of 4.667 private households and equal number of individuals, throughout Greece, with the only prerequisite the existence in the household of at least one member aged 16 – 74 years old.
The survey collects data on the access of households to selected information and communication technologies. Specifically data on computer use, internet access and ubiquitous internet access, transactions with public authorities via the internet (e-government), e-commerce, etc.
The survey was first conducted in Greece in 2002, and is fully harmonized with the corresponding surveys conducted by the other EU Member States.
The survey data are collected via telephone by means of questions answered by one only member of the household, which is randomly selected, with the only prerequisite being that he/she is 16-74 years old. The questionnaire helps collecting data with regard to the household, in general, as well as individual information concerning the selected household member.
Data on the use of information and communication technologies by households and their members, for the year 2016 will be announced on 11 November 2016. Data on e-commerce and on privacy and protection of personal data will be announced on 14 December 2016.
3 out of 10 persons aged 16-74 years old having ever accessed the internet, purchased or ordered goods or services over the internet for private use, during the 1st quarter of 2015.
The share of internet users who purchased /ordered goods or services over the internet during the 1st quarter 2015 amounts to 33.8%, thus recording a 14.6% increase in comparison with the 1st quarter of 2014.
During the last five years, the share of internet users who purchased /ordered goods or services over the internet during the 1st quarter 2015 presents an increase 83.7%, and the share of internet users that reported having never purchased/ordered goods over the internet until March of every year dropped to 50.4% from 70.9% in 2010 (a decrease by 28.9%)
Full ELSTAT report available here.