The moment of truth [opinion]
The referendum of June 23rd in Great Britain has been a historical warning towards the European leadership in politics, the economy and diplomacy. The warning concerns the decision of the society, to put an end to domination, cynicism, to punitive decisions and to the elitism of all leaderships of all kinds. These are just warnings that could develop to social unrest or a social “explosion”.
It is remarkable, that these leaders remain isolated from the citizens, who have elected them – in the case of politicians – as their representatives. For example, during the referendum campaign in Britain, the dominant feelings among the voters were terror and blackmail. A Brexit would bring mayhem and destruction, the citizens had to be sober, they had to take care of their own interests – as the government suggested – not only in Britain but in Europe as well. We never heard a single apologetic word for the mess that the European Union is currently in, due to its inefficiency and failure.
A third issue is whether Germany, which is currently the informal leader of the European Union would consider to cast off its speculative character and try to seriously get involved in the United Europe.
So, after the Greek citizens last year, the British citizens voted “no” to the approaches we just described. And the Britons that voted for Brexit, initiated the dialogue on whether the European Union has a reason to exist, in the way it currently operates, having eliminated all its values and its principles, that were established by its enlightened founders.
Another aspect is the so-called, “Franco-German axis” and whether it could work positively for the European Union or it will continue to exist as a “nebula”.
A third issue is whether Germany, which is currently the informal leader of the European Union would consider to cast off its speculative character and try to seriously get involved in the United Europe, not with the aim to achieve its controlled digestion or implement its own “great ideas”. After all Germany is too big to fit in its borders, but too small to lead Europe.
The countdown for the German Europe started on June 23rd. Will it retreat and try to communicate with its partners? This is something it has never done before, and it won’t do it now. Therefore the Europeans must be ready to pay the price of the European Union’s economic shrinkage.
*Konstantinos M. Pantzios is a journalist and a political analyst
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