Economic governance a pillar of EU’s enlargement

Economic governance has become one of the pillars of EU’s enlargement policy, mirroring developments within the EU to strengthen economic policy under the European Semester. A new approach has been developed to help the enlargement partners strengthen macroeconomic stability, boost growth and meet the economic criteria for accession.

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EU appoints Special Envoy for Freedom of religion or belief

Speaking at the Vatican on Friday on the occasion of the award of the Charlemagne Prize to Pope Francis, President Jean-Claude Juncker announced his decision to appoint Ján Figeľ (former European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth from 2004-2009) as the first Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union.

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Commission on Greek economy: Growth to return in second half of 2016

Growth is expected to resume in the second half of 2016 and to pick up in 2017 thanks to the return of confidence and the impact of structural reforms. Following stronger than expected public finances in 2015 and the additional fiscal package currently finalised by the Authorities, the general government balance is expected to improve further.

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