Jean Sibelius 150 Celebration in Athens

The Finnish Institute at Athens in association with the Theocharakis Foundation, presents a chamber music concert on 12th November celebrating Jean Sibelius’s 150th Anniversary.

The concert will be held as part of the official Sibelius Anniversary Activities, featuring internationally celebrated Greek soloists, mezzo-soprano Angelica Cathariou and violoncellist Dimitris Patras with the Finnish pianist, Reima Raijas, performing both popular and rarely heard masterpieces by Sibelius.

The program will include a world premiere performance of a work for cello and piano by the Greek composer Joseph Papadatos. The concert begins 20:30 and the entrance is free.

Sibelius moved to Helsinki to study in 1885. He achieved his greatest artistic triumphs in the Finnish capital, as well as starting a family and simply enjoying the joys of life. Helsinki is filled with memories of Sibelius. Places connected to the life of Sibelius include the Great Hall of the University of Helsinki, the Esplanade and Kallio Cathedral.

Sibelius composed piano pieces for five Finnish tree species: the spruce, pine, birch, aspen and rowan tree. The City of Helsinki’s Public Works Department has placed special plaques with QR codes next to the trees that play Sibelius that can be found in eight parks: Kaivopuisto (Eira), Hesperian puisto (Töölö), Sibeliuksen puisto (Töölö), Itsenäisyydenpuisto (Oulunkylä), Ullaksenpuisto (Vuosaari) Meilahden arboretum (Meilahti), Seurasaari and Maunulanpuisto.